These ‘homogenous’ platoons have advantages in command and control (through radios, mostly), but of course, are more expensive in the game as a result. And if you want something more historical and tidy (not to mention formidable!), there are rules for larger forces, with a higher points value, which tend to lead you towards forming platoons of the same type of AFV – like three Sherman tanks, or three Panzer IVs.

Smaller, ad-hoc armoured platoons can be made by simply sticking together the different vehicles in your collection. This represents a mechanized unit (from platoon level upwards) and makes for a very different force indeed. And importantly, these accompanying units of infantry and artillery need to have a transport vehicle or tow in order to keep up with the rest of the formation. The concept here is that normal Bolt Action games are about infantry platoons fighting with a few vehicles in support, while the new Armoured Platoon selector allows you to build a force made of vehicles, possibly, but not necessarily, supported by infantry and artillery.
It is packed full of all manner of fun and interesting tank-related rules and information, and in this article, I’m going to explain what you’re going to find in each section in a little bit more detail than it has been done up to now. Tank War, as the name kind of implies, deals with tanks, tanks and more tanks. Don’t miss this chance to grab a bargain!

For a limited time only, we’re offering a massive 25% off some of our Tank War Starter Sets, as well as a number of our plastic tank platoon and Panzer Zug boxed sets.